I had decided one day, shortly after graduating from college, that I wanted a black lab. It was an impulsive idea but since I had recently lost my childhood dog of 15 years, I knew I wanted the friendship of a new dog that would be all mine. Since the commitment of school was behind me...I was ready for a new kind of commitment.
The ad in the newspaper read ‘Black lab puppies, 8 weeks old - $25’ That sounded like a reasonable price for a dog, so I called. The person on the phone stated that the puppies had a bit of chow in them but I wasn’t picky. Greg and I took a drive to check them out.
When we arrived, the little puppies were romping around like puppies do. The mom, a lab/chow mix, was keeping a watchful eye on the strangers gathering around. The dad wasn’t around but we were told he was a chocolate lab that lived next door....good enough.
Greg was watching the male dogs but I informed him that I wanted a female. He tried to convince me otherwise but I wanted a girl. While all the puppies were frolicking in the grass, I spotted a cute little black furball off to the side having a grand old time with the water dish. I think she was trying to go swimming in it. I had my heart set on her at that moment. Admittedly, the bright pink collar she was wearing played a part in the decision, too, she looked so adorable.
We paid $25 for her that afternoon in late May, 1993. We brought her home, named her CANDY, and she spent the next 13 1/2 years enriching our lives! I’ve created this album so the memory of her will live on through generations to come.
Credits: White paper and pins are from Vintage Florals by Shabby Princess
Your pages are a beautiful tribute to Candy. Thanks so much for sharing your talent in creating this kit, and for showing the pages you made. She was a special girl. They're an inspiration to those of us who have loved and lost a best friend. I'm really glad that I found your blog and have downloaded the packages to create an album of my own of all our dogs and cats that we've lost. Thanks again for sharing this beautiful kit.
Thank you so much for such a wonderful kit and all the excellent add-ons! It will be fun to use for my special animal friends.
Thank you also for sharing the pages you made for Candy. It is a lovely and touching tribute you've made for her.
What a wonderful start of your album. The story really touched me, even though I'm more of a cat-person than a dog one. Animals brings us so much joy, friendship and company, and I think it is such a sweet idea to make an album of your pet to remember. You sure has made a lovely kit to use in your album, I love it!
Thanks for this wonderful kit and the add ons!! I love it!
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