credits: Atomic Cupcake's painted wood action used on the letters
If you haven't used many overlays, I'll give you a little info on them, if you have, well you can ignore this :). I probably should've mentioned this about the overlay that I included in the original kit I put up (the worn overlay) but I'll mention it now. I use Photoshop so I don't know if this is the same in other programs or not. When you place the overlay on the layer above the paper you're using it on, you will get different effects when you change the Blend Mode of the overlay layer. For most of the layouts I've done using the worn overlay, I set the blend mode to "Soft Light" because it makes a very sublte effect. In the layout above, I also used "soft light" for the white words overlay. If you notice, it makes the letters look a lighter shade of the layer it is on top of (eg. the letters look light blue on the blue paper, light peach on the peach paper, etc) To see how each blend mode will affect the layer I highlight the blend mode and use the arrow key to scroll through each mode to see what I like. You can come up with some pretty interesting stuff this way. If I have thouroughly confused you or if you would like to learn more about blend modes, click HERE for a detailed explanation. Experiment and have fun!
wow! i didn't know all that! i've always just plopped the overlays down and figured that was it! thanks for the new info! i'm off to play ...
:) M
Thank you so much for more wonderful items for this kit. They are all fabulous and it is appreciated! Also thank you so much for the info on overlays and the link to the tutorial. That is most helpful. I was just scrolling through your many pictures for Candy's album and they are so beautiful.
I've just discovered your blog and am amazed at your talent and generosity! Thank you so much for sharing the pet kit. Your layouts are beautiful--Candy would be proud.
I just discovered your blog too and may I say that you are very talented! I love all of your layouts! Thank you so much for sharing this gorgeous kit!
Thanks for the info and the link! Candy's album is really looking good!
This is just adorable! I had to comment on this layout as we have that very same squeaky hedgehog (actually we have about 7 of them). I started out buying a few of the hedgehogs to go with lesson plans for Jan Brett's Hedgie books and then our puppy fell in love with the hedgies...so...had to buy more! Thank you for these great kits and alphas as well as sharing your design ideas, layouts, and stories!
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