I have to admit I'm a little sad to see this album come to an end. It has been great therapy for me and I highly recommend it for those that have lost a furbaby! I have enjoyed sharing it with all of you that have visited my blog and downloaded my freebies and left wonderful comments! This is the last picture I took of Candy one week before we suddenly and unexpectedly had to say goodbye. I knew she was ill but I really thought we would would have lots more time with her. She LOVED the snow and this was the last time she got to play in it. I don't know what possessed me to get my camera out that day but I'm so glad I did! She would've been 14 on April 3rd.

The only thing that bumms me out about this page is that I don't have a single picture of Candy with my yougest son, Riley. I know I tried many times but neither one would sit still long enough for me to get one. So, it doesn't feel complete :(

Credits: Sketch by Leanncang from 3Sprapateers: Fonts are Dupree, Army condensed,Beautiful ES and Type keys filled.
I redid this layout completely! The original is a few posts down titled "Happiness is" I can live with this one. It's hard to make a layout with more than 3 pictures and make it look good without making the pics too small. I would've preferred to make a seperate layout for each pic but that would give me too many pages to fit in my album so I had to condense. TFL!
Wonderfull job on this kit and album of Candy.
Thank you so much for sharing this kit as i have lots and lots of pictures of pets we have had through the years.
Hi Chris,
Guess the letting go is the hardest part of owning pets :(
But am sure that Candy is happily running on the rainbow bridge and looking down on the really beautiful Lay-out's you've made and shared with all of us !!!.
It was a pleasure to look at, and the love 4 Candy came through my screen every day !!!
Thanks for sharing those, and ofcourse the faboulous freebies too. you are really truely wonderfull !!!
Lots of love,
And some wet kisses from Tommie!
Thank you so much for sharing this lovely kit with us, and thank you even more for sharing your wonderful layouts with us. I get all warm and fussy when I read about your Candy, seems like she was a highly loved friend.
more gorgeous LO's! i like your happiness re-do; the first one was great and this one is even better! i will miss looking for candy LO's.
now you will have to make a kit for kayla. or maybe for your boys. you simply can't let all that fabulous talent and those newly learned techniques go to waste! besides, we've become addicted to your style ... you can't leave us hanging chris! lol!
:) M
Christine, I have totally enjoyed seeing your layouts of your beautiful dear sweet Candy. It was important for you to do and you just need to know Candy will be with you always, in your heart and memories and looking watch and guarding all of you. Do you know the Rainbow Bridge story? Let me know if you don't and I'll post it. It helps.
It's been 8 yrs since we let our Callie go & sometimes well, it can hurt like we just lost her this morning. Most of the time, Steve & I can share memories & laugh, but heartache can still grip at one or the other of us unexpectedly.
I'm sorry you're hurting.
Geesh...now I'm crying. lol
Candy is such a beautiful dog. I'm feeling sad too. It's always sad to see your pets die or even get lost and never be found.
But it's wonderful to have been graced by their presence and love. Let the memories live on..
I just wanted to say thanks for such a truly beautiful kit! I'm just discovering it today, as I'm new to the digital scrapping world! I will be scraplifting many of your layouts for my new pup & for my mom's yellow lab, Baley, who is 11. Thanks again!
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