Credits: Template by Dumpty; font Angelina; kit HeartsNpawprints by me :)
After the wonderful spring pictures I took a few weks ago, we had a good size spring snow last week. I took Kayla and the boys to the park to make a snowman and go sledding one last time this season...but you never know in Colorado, we may see snow again!

Credits: March mega kit from RAKScraps
Despite both boys having colds, I was able to get a decent pic of each of them yesterday! Thanks to photoshop... no runny noses...hee, hee! Have a wonderful Easter Holiday and I'll be back next week to have you help choose the colors for my next freebie :)
Christine, Your boys are adorable!! What cute pictures, and another great LO of Candy!
super cute! so share your trick: how do you photoshop out the snot?! can you write a tutorial for pse?
:) M
Wat a beautiful LO, and lovely boy's you've got...
Can't make up my mind who I find the most cute, your boy's or your dog(s)....
* Allready figured out....
they are all adorable!!!
Happy Easter for your family !!
Well lvmommy22, I wish it were simple enough to write a tutorial on removing snot but it isn't. I have a few books on photo editing with photoshop and have spent countless # of hours practicing, LOL! I use a combination of tools depending on the item I'm trying to remove. Mostly for facial flaws, the clone stamp and healing brush work the best but they take practice. I don't know if PsE has either of those tools but I highly recommend learning how to use them. It's fun!
thank you so much... love the kit.. and what sweet boys you have... i love the phots.
Your boys are of course to stinking cute! :) They so remind me of my hubby and his brother. They are so night and day in looks but still look like brothers, if that makes any sense at all!
Thanks Brooke! My youngest son has all the qualities of my DH's side of the family and my older son resembles my side. When I look at my boys, I really can't see that they look like brothers at all, except in their mannerisms,LOL! DNA is a funny thing!
clone stamp and healing brush. ok. i'm off to look for these, learn them, and practice, practice, practice! thanks chris!
:) M
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