I'm just so excited about my new project tote for my crochet that I have to share! Since I just recently picked up my crocheting hobby again after many years, my stash of yarn is quite small but I know how quickly it can grow. With the help of my friend Christie, I now have all my crochet supplies, projects, hooks, etc organized online at
Ravelry but needed to organize them, physically as well. I was planning on browsing Esty for some helpful organizers when I came across this adorably bright, inexpensive, totally me...tote! I found it at Target in the back-to-school section along with some pencil cases.

I didn't set out to find a project tote at Target but when the boys and I were browsing the school section in search of cool erasers, I saw these pencil cases and thought "those would be great for my hooks"!At $1.99 each, I snatched up three of them. I haven't found a use for the cute one with the owl print but I loved it so much, I just had to have it!

I thought I would use the clear one for my crochet hooks.

And this one with an extra pocket in front is perfect for my circular knitting needles, DPN's, stitch holders, guage, etc.

On to the tote! After finding the pencil cases, this tote just caught my eye! It appears to have a plastic look to it but when you touch it, it's quite soft and sublte. It's light-weight and seems very well made and I just knew I could make it work as a current project carrying case.

The front pocket is deep and has plenty of room but for now I only need it for my scissors, tape measure and current hook. It could be used to store a phone, snacks and wallet, too.

The main area will easily hold my six skeins of yarn and my afghan the size it is now with room to spare. As my afghan gets larger, It may not be able to hold all 6 colors of yarn but It just may if I do some creative cramming.

It has a padded pocket for holding a laptop but it can also hold my zippered hook cases or even some crochet books or mags!

A cute little apple embelsihment hanging on the front for hanging keys or just to look cute!

And finally a pocket on both sides for holding water bottles! $24.99 I do love a bargain!

Totally off the subject of totes but on the subject of owls...I found this iron-on transfer at JoAnn's the other day and I'm now on the lookout for the perfect sweatshirt or t-shirt to iron it onto! I think it is just the most adorable thing ever and I'm just loving all the owl- themed items I'm seeing everywhere these days! Love, Love, Love cute owls in all shapes, sizes and colors!
I can't even fit all the awesomeness of this post into comment. I was going to try, but I fainted!!!!
You are toooo funny Christie!!
Very cool! Find me at ravelry, I am carolleeg. I want to follow along.
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