...and I must do something about it! It must be the time of year with a hint of spring just around the corner. Spring cleaning and especially de-cluttering needs to be done. I haven't posted, designed or even scrapped anything since my last post because I decided to take a stand against 2 cluttered areas of my life. First, the boys and I started tackling the playroom. I think I've managed to hold on to every toy and every item of clothing since my first son was born (5 years ago). Second, I also decided to face the daunting task of organizing my digital scrapbooking supplies. I've been using
Picasa up until this point and although it's a wonderful program for the price(free!) I needed something new, something a little better. I decided to download the trial version of
ACDSee Photo Manager. I'm sure I will end up buying it because so far I really like it! I've managed to categorize my previews together, then I further categorized them into themes and then into color schemes. I've also deleted a lot of stuff I know I'll never use. A little at a time, I'd like to go further into tagging everything eventually but for now, I have a good idea of what I own and can easily see it, find it and hopefully use it. As for the playroom, well it's a work in progress. It looked good until I opened the closet, not to mention I still have to bring up all the toys they got for Christmas that are still in the living room, ack...it never ends! I donated 4 boxes of toys with the boys permission of course, since they are keeping watchful eyes on the donation boxes at all times (I would've donated so much more). I've added 4 more boxes of clothes to the basement to donate at a later time. Ah, that brings us to the basement...the cold, unfinished, very full and cluttered catch all of a basement. We will be tackling that soon and will have no choice since we are having someone come next week to give us an estimate to finish the basement and hope to have it complete before summer arrives. I see a lot of donating and E-baying in my future and of course a yard sale!!!! Goodbye clutter! Oh, we also decided to decorate the boys' bedroom into an outer space theme since it's a mishmash of themes right now. I'll post some pictures when it's done. I have to order most of the stuff online so hopefully most of it will get here this next week. Thanks for listening to me babble!!!!!!