Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Autumn Owl Trio Cross Stitch (in progress)

My biggest project to date is this one called Autumn Owl Trio by Heaven and Earth Designs....
If you aren't familiar with their patterns you may not know that they are quite an undertaking....
I decided to stitch this project using tent stitches rather than full cross-stitches, 2 over 1 on 28ct hand-dyed Lugana (Zweigart "Setting Sun"). In other words, very tiny stitches....
and a lot of them...
I started on 1-1-13 and worked on it until mid April...
I really like the way this is turning out but I have to admit it's a bit tedious with all the confetti stitches. Not to mention I have to use my lighted magnifier so it's not very portable...
Not sure where I'm going with this project. The mood to work on it hasn't hit me for awhile so it may end up in the UFO bin...

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