Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Chickadees On A Branch Cross Stitch (in progress)

This was a gift from my youngest son for Christmas 2010 called Chickadees on a Branch by Dimensions....
 At this point I had only done 2 cross stitch projects and they were both 'counted cross stitch'. This one was a stamped project. Meaning the X's are printed on the fabric and you stitch over them as opposed to looking a pattern and stitching on counted fabric....
 I got started on it right away but was quickly discouraged by the stamped pattern. The stitches looked messy and I could not get the floss through the fabric easily and was quickly getting a very sore thumb...
 So i made the decision to ditch the stamped fabric and restart the project on 28ct Evenweave. Below you can see the new project on the left (much smaller since I'm using a higher count fabric) and the old one on the right....
 So much easier and the stitches look much nicer (my satin stitch needs some work though)...

All I have left to do is the back-stitching but since it's my least favorite part, it sits in a bin, unfinished :( Here's hoping I will get this one done in 2014!

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