Saturday, May 23, 2009

A post about watching birds and a new blog!

Where have I been, you might ask???? Watching birds, of course! It is spring so what better thing to do. As a matter-of-fact, this new hobby of mine has been taking time away from my usual computer time of blogging, commenting, Facebooking and digital scrapbooking. Well, that's not completely true as I did complete a 23-page scrapbook for my 22 year old nephew. I had it printed at Shutterfly and although too pricey (in my opinion) it did turn out nice and my nephew loved it! I would love to post it but I used such a mish-mash of products and didn't keep track of them for credits so it would just be wrong to share online. I do want to say that I used templates from Simply Yin Designs and I love them!!!!!
Back to birdwatching...I didn't want to clog up my scrapbooking blog with all the bird and nest pictures I've been taking so I decided to create a blog just for that. Come read about the trials and tribulations of my backyard birds over at Calico's Nest! If you follow my Project-365, you may have seen a few of my bird photos over there, also. I hope to work on some layouts soon!

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