Thursday, August 9, 2007

A visit from the "binky fairy"

I've been taking some time to do some tutorials and get some new ideas so I don't have anything new this week. I have a bunch of half-created stuff but I guess that doesn't count, LOL!
We've been trying to enjoy our last month of summer before school starts. I got Hunter's K12 stuff in the mail last week and we will start homeschooling on Aug 26th, the day after his 5th birthday. The binky fairy visited our house a few nights ago. I know age 4 is a bit old to still have a bink but he only used it at night since he was 3. He actually gave it up on Riley's birthday last month so we decided to officially give it to the binky fairy since he asked when we were going to do that. He got a big truck in exchange so he's a happy boy. I sucked my thumb until I was 7 so he's at least better off that me, LOL! Now we need to work on Riley, he's getting a little too dependant on his so we'll have to start restricting him to nighttime use only very soon!
I'm still waiting for one winner of my contest to contact me, so Angel, if you're out there, send me your e-mail to claim your free paper ;)


  1. yay for the binky fairy! that's one nice thing about binks: you can say goodbye to them. one of mine is a thumb sucker and the other is a finger sucker. it's kinda tough to have a fairy come to take those away, lol!

    hey, if angel doesn't claim her papers, i'd be happy to give them a good home ...

    ;) M

  2. Hey there! Just thought I would let you know that I used your Felty Dog kit for one of my Amazing Digi-Scrapping Race Layouts. You can find it here:

    Hope you like it! He is almost 70lbs now, so it's so bitter sweet to see him as a pup! Great kit to work with, thanks for sharing!

  3. binky meaning pacifier? I don't know this stuff. My parents said I had a hard time with that when I was little. But BLANKIES, well, I still sleep with mine at 24 :) lol

  4. What on earth is a bink and/or binky fairy? I'm considering it is a dummy, but I'm not exactly sure? Help out us non-Americans please.

  5. Conrats on the binky fairy, we did the same with our twins and they were just a bit over three at the time. It really does work.....
