Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Checking in...

I wish I could say I have a freebie for you today...but not yet. This is why I could never be a designer for pay, LOL, I work at a snail's pace. I will try to at least have a little something for you in the next day or two. Actually, I haven't had my TV on for 4 days so the boys and I have been doing active things outdoors instead...a good thing for all fo us! DH left on a train last night headed for Chicago for a seminar and he'll be gone for 6 days! He's never left home longer than one night since our kids have been born so this single parent thing should be interesting. I suspect I'll be wiped out at days end because DH usually cooks dinner and puts the boys to bed every night while I relax(or pick up the house a bit if it's a disaster)....spoiled I am! Anyway, I'm glad you have all been enjoying the kit so far and thank you for all the nice comments.
I want to remind you, again, to check out the spotlight section to see some layouts that have been done with my kits...I so appreciate seeing your work!


  1. Glad you and the boys are outside enjoying yourselves!! I remember when my kids were young and my DH would go out of town, I was wiped out by the end of the day!!

  2. get out and enjoy the weather! making the childhood memories is way more important than making kits! lol!
    :) M

  3. No tv for 4 days?!?!? I'd near on die! hahahahaha

  4. I'm glad you've been having a nice time outside with your kids. It was probably the "calm before the storm" since you're now alone with them for a few days.

    Your kit has been nice. It's worth the wait so take your time. lol!

  5. Your items are always worth waiting for. Enjoy the time with your kids. They will grow up way too fast!! :-) But the grandchildren are fun too.


  6. Nothing wrong with taking a break and spending time with family.

    As for your free kits, the waiting makes them all the way sweeter. =)

  7. Your kits are always worth the wait!!!! I hope you are enjoying the quality time with the kids and not getting too stressed out!? :)

  8. I just discovered your blog today. You have some wonderful work on here that's really inspiring. I didn't leave a comment on each of the downloads, but I want you to know how much I appreciate them. They are great, especially the grungy athlete kit!

  9. Hope you aren't too exhaused to enjoy your quality time with your kids...(and your Hubby when he returns!)
    Outdoors activities are so nice, don't forget to make some pretty pictures to share with us when you are up to it again...

    And we will wait for your add ons and futher kids...No problem at all...they are worth it!

  10. I'm happy your not a professional designer.....we get pro looking kits for FREE!!!Yaaa!

  11. it's june now; pop in and say hi to us! whatcha been up to? i got a disposable underwater camera at wal-mart and took pix in the pool! that was fun!!!
    :) M

  12. I love this kit! With two boys I'll put it to good use!

    Thanks for sharing!!


  13. Love the kit. It's going to get used a lot! Thank You!

    It's worth the wait! You need to make your memories. It's amazing how fast time goes by and the kids are going everywhere without mom (me). Make those memories.
