Thursday, April 10, 2014

Final 3 Little Sheep Virtues- Kindness, Gratitude and Joyfulness!

Kindness- the 10th virtue.....

Gratitude- the 11th virtue....

Joyfulness- the 12th and final virtue! 

I worked on the final three at the same time because I ran out of the floss for the lettering and had to wait for it to be delivered. While waiting, I went ahead and finished all the rest of the stitching for the final 3, then all I had left to do was stitch the 3 words. I thoroughly enjoyed every stitch of these and am sad to see them come to an end. The positive side is there are so many wonderful patterns by this company that I want to stitch..not to mention my other WIPs waiting in the wings!
And finally, the full project hot off the hoop! Finished 4/9/14. Sorry about the wrinkles but I just wanted to get a photo before I do any of the finishing work. Not sure how exactly I'm going to finish it but I'm pretty sure I'm NOT going to frame it. I'm leaning toward making it into a wall hanging with a very thin cotton batting and some coordinating fabric border and a nice decorative hanger (and don't forget all the buttons that still need to be added!). We'll see when and if I get around to that part of it as I've already started a new project. Stay tuned!

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