Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Did you have a nice V-day? Mine was wonderful! I had set up little V-day goodybags for the boys last night so they were thrilled with the sweet treats and such this morning! DH and I exchanged cards before he left for work so I was pleasantly surprised when these beautiful 24 long stem roses were delivered from him mid morning! Aren't they beautiful??? I also got a Starbucks gift card from my MIL who loves to feed my addiction! I hope you enjoyed your day of love!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, these roses are divine, the colours together are magnificent. Lucky lucky girl.

    Isn't it the best though, when flowers are delivered to the office, everyone looks up expectantly, hoping, wishing and then they land on YOUR desk. Wooo hooo!
