My goal this year is to get a calendar page done every month so I can print out 2009 calendars at Christmas for the grandparents. I'm already running behind but if I can squeeze in my Feb page before the end of the week, I'll be right on schedule. I really never got a decent picture of the boys this month so it may be difficult. They're both in desperate need for a haircut and my 5YO goes into "goofy face" mode whenever I get the camera out.
Credits: Template by Andrea Niehaus: Kit -Win'tree Weather by Linda Walton: Font-Larger Mime
On a non-scrapbooking note, I put my
very first auction up on E-bay this week! I found my box of maternity clothes in the basement and thought I would give E-bay a shot. If it doesn't work out, they will go into the donation box :) Until next time...Happy Scrappin'
Great idea for a page a month timeframe, so you won't have a big rush at the end and also it's true to the season. And good luck with the ebay. Ahhhhhhh ebay .... 24 hour shopping! bliss.
Congratulations, thats really a great idea...Hope you do well!
You've been blog women, check it out here... GRINS
Happy Scrapin' Day,
TragedyScrapinAnne aka Kat
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