A few posts back I mentioned my basement and the fact that we are getting ready to remodel so the clutter needs to be de-cluttered. I decided to take pictures and scrap the way it looks at this moment in time. I can almost hear you saying..."Ack, what a mess!" It has actually looked worse than this before we de-cluttered a couple of years ago. Quite a bit of this mess is leftover quilting supplies from when I had my quilting business. I have boxes and boxes of fabric, and half-started projects, etc that use to fill a room now just fill boxes and space. Another good chunk of this chaos is all my unused paper scrapping and rubber stamping supplies. Then there's all the boxes of outgrown clothes from the boys not to mention carseats, cribs, etc. Finally, a big chunk is also DH's RC hobby stuff that went by the wayside, temporarily after the boys were born. After careful consideration, I have decided to get rid of all my quilting and my paper scrapping supplies. I just figured I haven't felt like making a quilt for about 5 years now so I'm not going to hold onto that stuff anymore. I know for sure I will never go back to paper scrapping again so I may as well let someone have it that's going to use it. The only thing that's stopping me from getting rid of the baby clothes is I wanted to go through them and keep a few sentimental items then they're outta there! Stay tuned...this is not the last time you will see pictures of this basement! BTW if you hav any ideas on good places to donate quilting and scrapbooking supplies other than large donation centers, I'd love to hear them. I want them to go where they will be loved and appreciated!
Credits: April template by Tracyb; Kit-Terre d'Argile by Scrap-shop.fr; Stick-em-up Songbird alpha by Linda Rechtin; Blue chipboard alpha by Tracy King; Frames by me; Font: really bad typewriter
Oooooh I can't wait to see the flip side to this when you do the 'after' page.
PS : There will be local groups I'm sure (do you have the CWA over there?) who will accept the quilting items with open arms as they make items for needy people.
I, too, used to quilt. I donated all my supplies to the local high school. They were thrilled. They use them in the Life Skills class. The community is mostly low to moderate income families and students have to provide their own materials. I know they really appreciated my donation.
Try Nursing Homes they love anything that the residents can use!!!!
I second what Sharon suggested. A lot of older women in nursing homes love to quilt and/or scrapbook but can't get out to buy supplies. I think they'd love them!
I know in St. Louis, the shriner's children hospital was asking for scrapbooking supplies. Maybe a children's hospital by you would like the donations. There are many many places that would be excited to get such donations.
Senior Citizens Centers?
You might also want to consider a local women's shelter. I know here they were looking for this sort of stuff for women getting out of abusive relationships that left everything behind.
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