I really hope you enjoy this embroidered alpha because it was a pain in the patootie to make, LOL! I'm sure there was an easier way but I didn't do it that way :). I won't go into the gory details but as you can see, each letter has four layers (one in each color) and each of those layers had to have the embroidery action (from Atomic Cupcake) run on it...and it's a somewhat slow action. I think at one point my document had over 100 layers! I was able to catch up on some of my TV shows while doing it so I guess I shouldn't whine too much, huh? Well, off the subject, I got my hair cut back to shoulder length today for the summer so now my pic is outdated again! Here's your alpha...Enjoy! (BTW, you really don't have to leave a comment for this because you have all left such wonderful comments on this kit so far that I won't be offended if you just grab it and go!
This item is no longer free but may be purchased in MY STORE
Thank you for the alpha's. Love them. This kit is adorable, thank you so much for sharing your talent and your time with us.
I will definetely enjoy using this alpha thanks so much for sharing!!!!
Gotta say thanks for this. I always appreciate an alpha especially when so much work has gone into it.
Wow, these are great. All those layers and the embroidery really make them unique. Thanks for all your hard design work. I love this kit.
I love this kit. Thank you so much for your hard work and your generosity. Awesome alpha!! THANK YOU!!
I have the embroidery action - I can't imagine running it 26 times, times 4. Thank you for doing it for me.
Thank you so mucb! Your work is beautiful and very appreciated. I have ESPECIALLY enjoyed your playful plaid collection, it is perfect for all the baby layouts I am working on!!I look forward to your designs, they are wonderful.
Thanks for all your hard work on this alpha. I like your new picture! You remind me of a friend of mine. :) Your son did well! :)
I had not been on much the past few days. My granddaughter had surgery, so I was at the hospital and spent time with her. I caught up with the last two freebies. Thank you so much! Love your works.
Thanks so much!! This kit is so much fun!!
I'm going to say thanks anyway! You do such beautiful work. I wish I could come to your house and sit by your side and learn from you. I'm wanting so bad to learn how to design things. : )
Of course I'm going to thank you for this wonderful alpha. So unique and colorful. Isn't it wonderful to accomplish something like this even tho it was a lot of work? I would think so!
Thanks, it sure looks like it took a lot of time!! they are really wonderful..
Oh and off subject: We do want a new photo...:) LOL
Shouldn't be too hard with such great photographers in the family.
Love Paula and Tommie
Thanks for the alpha I usually dont collect alpha's since Im a font loving girl lol, but this one is just too cute to pass up. Your 4 yo did an awesome job with taking your photo. Keep encouraging him.
Whow- awesome! THanks so much for sharing!
This is just such a wonderful alpha! The colors are great and the letters have such a fun style...thanks so much.
My first visit to your blog. Thanks for sharing your hard work!
The Alpha Looks amAAzin!
I so love it that you get "carried away" with your "little" kits. They turn out to be so nice and have everything you could possibly want or need. I haven't downloaded any of the playful plaid yet. (My IC & 4shared don't seem to be getting along right now. in fact, I can't dl anything over 6mb unless it is restartable. AAAAgh!) but I think I will be able to borrow a friends computer next week and I'll come get everything then. I really can't wait! this kit looks just as awesome as the felty pet kit.
thank you for the alphas... very pretty!
No grab & go today: the alpha looks great! I'm sure you put in alot of time to make them. I like the fact that they're a different "font design" than the more boring Times New Roman.
Thanks so much for the awesome alpha!
TY so very much!!!
I am picky about my alphas and this one definately qualifies for my stash. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful, love the font you used. Thanks for sharing
Lovely! Thank you, this kit has been so neat. :)
This is a fantastic alpha! Thanks for adding this to your wonderful kit. I love how you get carried away!
Hope you no longer have a pain in your patootie...nothing worse than that. LOL. Thanks for the awesome freebie!
I love very much your kit , your design is so beautiful, and the color wonderful.
Merci beaucoup !
Thanks for this great kit
Thank you so much the alphas is great thank you for your hard work,i love using this kit for my new son :)
FABULOUS!!!!!! I love it. Thanks for taking time to do these for us, they are great!
Cute alpha totally put it on my blog:
The alpha is wonderful. I know the feeling...running a complicated action, and having time to take a nap while it does a whole alpha!
I love the alpha. You do such fun things. It's so much fun to come to your blog. Thanks so much.
I just love these...Thank you so much for sharing...Now I am snagging and running :O)
I'm not about to "grab and go" when you put so much time and effort into this alpha. The least I can do is take a few seconds to say thank you so much!
I can't believe your 4YO took that pic. I think you may have a budding genius on your hands.
Thanks for the beautiful alphas.
Wow! That's a lot of work! The alpha is gorgeous and I sure appreciate being the recipient of all that effort! Thank you so very much. You whole kit is the cutest thing ever. I love it.
they're just great! thank you!
Thank you so much for sharing.
Love the detail on the alphas. Thanks so much
chris, you are so funny! i was going to comment that you posted a new pic and your hair has grown, and now you tell me you've already cut it, lol! the alpha looks great!!! thanks for the time you put into it!
:) M
Thank you so much...this kit is awesome.
I*'m totally addicted to alphas *LOL* I just couldn't pass this one up:-) Thanks so much for sharing it.
Cheers Sonia
Thank you so much for all your hard work for us.
Lots of luv
Well, it is simply amazing! Thank you for putting in such time and effort for us.
thanks so much for this freebie! its lovely!
much love,
ps.. be back soon ...;)
Great alpha! Great embroidery texture. Thank you.
Just found your place and I am so happy I did. Your kits are amazing!! thank you so much :)
Thanks, Christine! I hadn't been by in a while and had to grab the rest of the Celestial stuff!
i just love this alpha. thanks so much for it. Hope that you have a great day.
Amazing alpha. Thank-you
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